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Loan GL accounts settings part 1

This window allows the user to define GL accounts for your loan transactions for each product.

The automatic bookings, such as loan transactions, will be activated after entering the starting date for the financial year at System/Configuration/Accounting. Once activated it cannot be de-activated anymore.

How you define different General Ledger accounts

To define and assign different General Ledger accounts go to System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/GL Accounts 1-2 Settings and the following screen appears:

Note that the stationery fees will be booked on this GL account specified above. It is similar to the GL account down that you will have to define if you choose to specify that stationery fees are to be paid at loan disbursement by activating the corresponding option under the menu System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees. And that case, it is not necessary to define the above GL.

For instance, if the exchange rate of the dollar to the shilling at disbursement of the loan is 1:1000, and at repayment it is 1:2000, a loan repayment of sh. 1050 will be: Rate at repayment / Rate at Disbursement * Repayment amount i.e. 2000 / 1000 * 1050 = 2100. The currency difference shall then be posted on the GL defined here. Linking a loan to a foreign currency is done at loan application under the menu Loans/Loan Application/Loan Entry Part 1.

Fees during application: These are fees levied at loan application.


1. In the Loan Performer menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", you can define the amount and when the loan fees should be levied. This can be at loan application, before approval, after approval or at loan disbursement. You may also tick the corresponding check boxes to make payment of these fees compulsory.

2. When you decide to levy the loan fees before application by specifying the amounts under the menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", an additional feature "Loan fees before application"appears in the loans module, otherwise it won't be displayed on the Loan Performer interface.

3. When you decide to levy the loan fees after application by specifying the amounts under the menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", an additional feature "Loan fees before approval"appears in the loans module, otherwise it won't be displayed on the Loan Performer interface.

4. When you decide to levy the loan fees before disbursement by specifying the amounts under the menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", an additional feature "Loan fees after approval "appears in the loans module, otherwise it won't be displayed on the Loan Performer interface.

5. When you decide to levy the loan fees during disbursement by specifying the amounts under the menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", the disbursement screen will appear with the amount specified above, otherwise it won't be displayed on the Loan Performer interface.

Fees during disbursement: These are fees that will be levied at loan disbursement under the menu Loans/Disbursement.


1. In the Loan Performer menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", you can define the amount and when the loan fees should be levied. This can be at loan application, before approval, after approval or at loan disbursement. You may also tick the corresponding check boxes to make payment of these fees compulsory.

2. In this case you should have selected the option "Fees at disbursement" and specified the required fees amounts.


1. The mark up is the difference between the loan amount applied for by the client and the amount paid to the supplier. The loan amount disbursed must be greater than the supplier's invoice amount.

2. The loan is disbursed against the supplier's invoice entered under the menu Accounting/Purchases and Sales/Invoices Received. In this case you have to tick the option "Disbursement to supplier" under the menu Loans/Disbursement, it is basically the concept of Disbursement in kind in Loan Performer.

3. The concept of mark up is favorable to Micro Finance Institutions practicing Islamic banking. In this case, MFIs do not charge interest on loans given to clients. Instead, they prefer to disburse the money directly to the supplier of the goods for which the client took the loan. The loan amount disbursed must be greater than the supplier's invoice amount so that the excess amount is booked on the GL account defined above as mark up. This is basically revenue to the institution for the services rendered to the client. However, the client will have to pay back the full loan amount and not only the amount disbursed to the supplier. It is basically the concept of Disbursement in kind in Loan Performer.

4. You will be able to see the mark up amount received on each loan disbursed to a supplier by consulting the report on disbursements under the menu Loans/Portfolio Reports/Disbursement Report.

Click on the Save command button to save the settings and on the Close command button to quit.

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